
:: The last couple of months, my menu planning has been a bit of a broken record. I just can’t seem to stop making my new favorite things.

(That reminds me, Sheri; you asked about a recipe. Well, I used the above butternut squash tart recipe, but I added garlic and basil to the ricotta mixture, used about 5 heirloom tomatoes [that had been salted and squeezed of all the juice I could extract], and brushed the top with olive oil and garlic, fresh basil and parmesan… and yum! And yum again!)

I assume that at some point soon I’ll move on, but for now, I just can’t get enough of the tomatoes at our farmer’s market.

If I were a betting man, I’d wager that the next round of recipes will be heavy on the butternut-and-pumpkin side. But I don’t bet.

:: Last night, we watched [most of] this. Very interesting, although terribly UNinformative (as most agenda-driven documentaries tend to be, I’m sorry to say.) I managed to sit through the hours of victim-stories, and the cheap shots at government (I have a hard time with media that criticizes politicians while offering no solution of their own), and tried not to laugh at the conclusion they came to: The government needs to make the credit cards stop. It’s not the people’s fault that they made BAD decisions, lived WAY beyond their means, and signed up for every offer that came in the mail. Ugh.

Usury is absolutely wrong. But so is abdicating responsibility for your own actions.

As sad as some stories are (and we are talking very, very sad), for the most part, it was just sin leading to sin — greed leading to debt leading to depression leading to double lives leading to ending your life for fear of being exposed. Really bad stuff, all stemming from a bit of greed and the inability to say no to a shiny new card.

If anything, the movie made me appreciate Dave Ramsey’s work in a whole new way. I suddenly realized what an amazing door of opportunity he has for reaching people who are absolutely on the edge. I told Ryan, at the end of that documentary, that I was ready to send my first check to Dave Ramsey’s ministry!

:: And on a light note, I would love to own these. *sigh*

:: But the post can’t end quite yet. No, first I must say,




2 Comments links

  1. Abby

    Thanks for the comment! I love reaing these little tidbits from your life. It makes you seem not quite so far away! I also can’t believe how old Jameson is looking! What happened to the little baby that you left with!?

    I am feeling quite well for being 33 weeks! I’m just now starting to feel big and like the baby is getting heavy (or is it just me getting heavy- I can’t figure it out!). At any rate, I’m realizing that very soon I will be tucking another little one into bed and have two more sweet cheeks to kiss!

    Jocelyn is SOOO excited about the baby. Almost every morning she wants to know if I had the baby yet and when the baby will “come out”. She has been helping me with getting out some of our newborn boy clothes and keeps saying “it’s so cute!” in the most darling way. It sure is fun to have someone so enthusiastic to share the excitement with!

  2. Deb

    Oooh! those shoes are cute–*and* look comfy! but…how do you know what size to get?

    Congrats on the little boy hair cut. Those are difficult with boys who don’t like to sit still and keep wanting to “see” what mama’s doing up there.

    Have a blessed weekend!


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