moving “back”

I hope you don’t mind me writing a bit more about this whole moving thing. I know it doesn’t have much to do with general life stuff and may not apply to your life at all — which is more my usual style — but I guess I process life this way, so… do you mind?

The most exciting part of the last month and a half has simply been the sense of the Lord leading us. Most of the time, we’re called to just be faithful — to keep on fulfilling the last orders we received. But every once in awhile, the pillar picks up and starts moving, and it is so exciting to be swept along with its movement.

That’s how this has felt.

I tried to put my finger on a very clear sense one night. I told Ryan, it doesn’t feel like we’re “moving back.” This isn’t about missing good ol’ Mom and Dad, or small town life, or whatever. Sure, we’re thrilled beyond thrilled that being near to family is part of this deal — of course! But there is such an exciting sense of having received our next assignment, of moving ahead. There is a sense of God!

I’m so eager and curious to know how He plans to knit us in. I’ve never lived in the North Country in this season of my life! I don’t know who He’ll bring into our lives, who will become the regulars around our dining room table, how He’ll lead us to get involved in church life, who my kids’ best friends [other than cousins, of course!] will be. God does know, and He’s moving us so that our lives will intersect at just the right moment with others’ lives. Isn’t that amazing?

So yeah. We’re moving back… but actually, we’re moving forward. So exciting.

2 Comments moving “back”

  1. Keila Levendusky

    How exciting!!! How wonderful!!! How amazing!!! What else can we say! A house! Moving forward while moving back! So, so happy for you Danica, and for your little family and for your bigger family too! Wonderful, wonderful news! Keep the details coming, I love to hear-read them!

  2. Sue Henry

    Danica. I had to read this more then once to grasp what you said. At first I thought you bought a house where yous are. But the more I read, I realized you HAVE bought a home in your own hometown !! We are so happy for all of you!! Iam glad your Mom can help you move,its a busy time, esp. with happy feet to help! Hope to see you all soon,once you get settled. Friends from Grace Comm. Church, Sue and Paul Henry


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