knowing, day by day

From Hinds Feet on High Places:

“[T]he high High Places of victory and union with Christ cannot be reached by any mental reckoning of self to be dead to sin, or by seeking to devise some way or discipline by which the will can be crucified. The only way is by learning to accept, day by day, the actual conditions and tests permitted by God, by a continually repeated laying down of our own will and acceptance of His as it is presented to us in the form of the people with whom we have to live and work, and in the things which happen to us.

Wouldn’t we love it to be more glamorous than it is? When I was young, wouldn’t I have gladly lived in a mud hut surrounded by cannibals rather than love the sister who took my things and the brother who talked too much, or cheerfully make the sandwiches and clean the bathrooms? And now, wouldn’t I sometimes prefer to follow a strict devotional regimen that I myself devised rather than happily greet the perpetual needs of little boys and husband? I mean, really: how can this — this menial, this daily, this lowly, this repetitive — be holy?

But it is. And it only is.

God does not come to invite us to a mountain top monastery. He comes and calls Himself Emmanuel. He does not linger outside the circles of our everyday, too holy to be involved. And neither has He made the process of knowing Him and following Him some spiritual construct outside the realms of daily living. Instead, He has made fellowship with Him a moment by moment opportunity. And He invites me through each experience — menial, lowly, boring, inspiring — to be changed into His image.

The best part of all this is that we never have to miss out. When trips to China are canceled, I still serve Jesus. When a new baby means I miss sermons for months on end, I still hear Jesus. When sleepless nights mean missed quiet times, I still know Jesus.

Today, I can know Jesus.

5 Comments knowing, day by day

  1. Phyllis Leathers

    I love this Danica….it speaks to me very personally in my everyday life right now….especially as I look back on the past 30 years and wonder if all the work I put into raising our 3 (now adult) children (only one of whom I KNOW is following the Lord) really made a difference. Thank you for taking the time to write it.

  2. darlenesinclair

    This speaks to me also of the death to the fleshly desires we daily experience — a dying to such things. As Hannah Hurnard wrote, it is not a mental exercise nor is it a discipline or method that crucifies the will. It is a daily laying down, choosing to trust His word, His plan. In a word, it is choosing to trust Him in the moment by moment challenges.

    Such great insight, D. Thank you.

  3. Helen

    Great post, well said. When we take Jesus out of daily life, we have nothing. It’s all about relationship.

  4. Debbie Spyker

    I think the relationship with Jesus is so much richer when we learn to abide in Him and experience His presence in the everyday, apparently insignificant and menial, things. We sometimes donĀ“t realize it but we are growing and maturing in these times and God is pleased with our progress. Life is a test =)


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