busy? oh yes. we are.

June’s calendar is so much emptier than May’s. Somehow, though, the days just fill up. Maybe not quite so much scrambling. Maybe a bit more of the sprinkler-running, bike-riding, kid-training, home-being variety. Not to mention the all-consuming growing-up busyness. These kids grow like weeds, hit new strides, try new words, learn new tricks EVERY DAY. I love ’em bunches.

Breakfast with my boys while Daddy was busy working.

A few minutes here and there playing my favorite hymns.

Keeping Daddy company in Ottawa.

Dinner and books with my William.

Gardening, with a sweet baby for company. She loves the dirt, just like her Mama.

Playing catch with Papa, a summertime highlight.

Doing errands with Daddy, and getting a special lunch.

Sitting in the sunshine with my cool kid.

He finished Kindergarten, I got my homeschooling-Mama feet wet.

Sunny days and sprinklers: match made in heaven.

Standing, every chance she gets.

She melts our hearts and makes us laugh. Peek a boo!

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