“And there was evening and there was morning, one day.” ( — genesis 1)
I remember reading that line several years ago, and how it jumped out as odd, worth a second look.
Evening and morning, one day? That’s not right. It should be morning and evening. Right? Isn’t that how we all figure one day? So why was it backwards?
Ponder. Think. Wonder.
And suddenly, ah yes. Evening and morning.
God’s days never end with dark. They always end with morning. That first day of creation was a promise to us of how things will be: after this black of night, fraught with sin and suffering, there will be morning. And that is where we will live for the rest of forever — in a Day where there will be no need for the sun, because He will be there.
I think of that often. We all do, in our own way, I suppose. We all groan in our spirits for redemption. “Maranatha!,” is a cry familiar to our hearts, I dare say. As much as I love the sunsets, flowers, smell of crunchy leaves, and laughter of my darling son, I am not at home in this dark and tormented world. Here there is the Curse, and that doesn’t settle well with me. I’m looking to an eternity where Peace and Justice and Love reign completely.
The cry for heaven turned up a few notches when I turned the calendar page this week. Fall carries with it anniversaries of deep, scarring sadness. It wasn’t always the case, but in the last few years, the searing pain of tragedy has etched its mark on me, and this season brings it again to the surface.
My heart feels heavy. I sob at lunch, seemingly unprovoked, but I know why.
I carry pain, as though it were my own, and I wouldn’t have it any other way… but still, it’s pain. It’s questions. It’s wanting an end to this Curse.
And it’s the poignant Hope for redemption.
While the pain becomes sharp again, so does the faint outline of things hoped for. Heaven — redemption, resurrection, Jesus — becomes almost tangible. Waves of deep sorrow cannot deny the Rock of comfort to which I cling. And the harder they storm, the more firm does this Hope become.
There will come a Day…
We can know it, because we have seen the Morning Star rise on the horizon. And the moment He appeared, so did the promise of evening and then morning.
Thank you for this post Danica. It reaches to the depth of my soul.
So much to think about, to ponder on. Love you, Nancy C.
The song. It sounds like it’s on all of our soundtracks recently. At least you’d think so by reading our blogs. I love you so much. So much.
What a wonderfully poignant message. Thank you for expressing so eloquently how I often feel, but don’t have the words to exress. I almost want to copy it and put it in my journal. You hit the nail on the head! Praise be to God.