“In the morning, O Lord, You will hear my voice; in the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch.” –psalm 5
“Why do we not pray?” the preacher asked.
It took me until the second week of hearing that rhetorical question, but as he read on, the truth of my own answer finally surfaced.
I fail to pray because my life (in my perspective) doesn’t seem to need supernatural intervention. I wake up, I make the bed, I check off a list of house chores, maybe run some errands, and hopefully prepare a decent dinner. Nothing too difficult in that, is there? No, not really. I just do my thing.
How smitten I was when that revelation came. For one who is so eager to live and preach, “Redeem the time!”, I certainly have squandered plenty of days.
Oh, Lord, forgive.
I sat up straighter in my chair and drank in the rest of the sermon, my parched soul suddenly realizing its desperate need for water. And what I heard was hope and glory. I heard that the answer to my spiritual malaise was not to throw off the hum-drum of routine and find a way to be more radical, but rather, to spend time with the Lord and let Him frame the purpose of each day. Amazing, but true: In the Lord, there is the ability to be content in the most humble of seasons, and walk with a Kingdom perspective that causes you to live a dynamic life.
The Lord is not found on the other side of the fence, where the grass, I swear, is emerald. He is here, in a day of cleaning and sorting, organizing and cooking. He is ready to redeem the little moments of my life, if I would but offer a few to Him in prayer, and let His answer open my eyes to what He is doing all around me.