
Just so you’re all in the know, this is how life is shaping up:

We’re staying here, in St. Lawrence County, for another year. How glad I am for the opportunity the Lord provided. I’m looking forward to making this transition with the stability and encouragement of such wonderful families around us. We’re looking for a two-bedroom abode so that Ryan can set up a home office. No more coming home fried from the office at the end of the day. And I won’t have to get in the habit of packing lunch! Yes, this is from the Lord, and I’m so thankful.

That two-bedroom abode–we’re still working on that, waiting to see what God will provide. God is better than we imagine, and so it’s my expectation that when we sign a lease, it will be for the perfect amount, in the perfect location, in the perfect place.

My dining room table is stacked with invitations… And wait till you see them! Actually, I’m sort of sorry about how long you’ve been waiting for them! But I’m happy with the results. They’re one-of-a-kind, and my dear friend’s very first wedding invitation design. It will go in her portfolio and launch her into a successful career…or something!

Ryan is budgeting and budgeting and then re-budgeting again. Playing with numbers is obviously much more fun for him than it is for me! He has columns for this and that, with sub-totals and percentages. Each day it’s, “Ooh, did you remember such-and-such?”, or, “Does anyone know how much two people spend on groceries?” That’s a silly question to ask around CFC; no one feeds only two people!

My wedding shower is next week, and I still don’t know what kind of dishes I want. Mom is doing all she can to help md figure out what in the world my heart’s desire is, so I’m confident that I’ll discover it eventually. This whole being in charge of decorating a whole house–all at once–is slightly overwhelming. Yet another thing that I’ll grow into.

And Ryan is now an uncle. His niece was born yesterday, and Camryn Teresa is beautiful. How much fun is that?

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