Perhaps none of you are quite as concerned with the little counter at the bottom of this page as I am, but just so you know, it’s only a bit more than two months from the big day. There’s so much to do and, if you’re like me, so much to process. (Life has my permission to move forward only after I’ve thoroughly pondered and considered and understood–and then written down–the implications of this forward-motion!)
I’m amazed. I just had no idea that the Lord would give me to a man who would care so deeply about the intricacies of who I am–my strengths and my weaknesses–and that his grace and love, both spoken and silently displayed, would be a constant reminder and revelation of God’s heart toward me. I thought I was just the helper, you know? I thought we’d get a to-do list from heaven, stick it on the fridge, split up the duties, and that would be marriage. But how I underestimated the perfect plan of God–and more, the love of God toward me. The fact that God so carefully designed a covenant that would offer so much speaks of His immeasurable love for me.
Yes, I’m blessed. I still have to pinch myself sometimes. I woke up this morning and saw the envelope from a card he gave me, his writing scrawled on the front, propped on my nightstand. I touched it and thought, “Crazy. Ryan Dunphey loves me.” Cool, huh?
I think so.