“This life is not a state of …of being, but becoming;
We are not yet what we shall be,
but we grow toward it;The process is not yet finished,
but it is still going on;This life is not the end,
it is the way to a better.All does not yet shine with glory;
nevertheless, all is being purified.” –Martin Luther
My, but that’s a difficult concept for me to grasp! Not intellectually — I have pages of written thoughts on the subject! — but in each moment. How do I actively understand that these five minutes of washing dishes, these make up my life? This list of chores isn’t something to be blindly rushed through, as though the bold line I’ll slash through each duty marks the beginning of my real day. If nothing more, these 24 hours are another gift-from-God opportunity to reaffirm in a thousand ways my love for Him — and to stop now and then and hear Him rejoicing over me with singing. Yes, He wants to spend this day, this gray and unexciting day, with me.
And at the end of it, He wants my love and faith and perspective to have grown.
Oh, Lord, whisper to my heart. Call to me, while I wash, while I cook, while I live. Help me to cherish this process of living and recognize that You are in the becoming and not just the being, the experience and not just the ending.