:: Life in the North Country: three nights ago, I tossed and turned and barely slept because of how unbearably hot it was. This morning, I’ve given in and turned on the heat. Heat?! It’s June 6th, for crying out loud!
:: Progress: two days ago, Jameson was figuring out how to push up onto his toes, impressing those of us who find push-ups less than enjoyable (and nearly impossible). By last night, he’d discovered hands-and-knees, and this morning, he’s getting into that position more and more frequently. He’ll be crawling soon!
:: Moving: boxes and piles in absolutely no semblance of order are cluttering the apartment. But it won’t be this way forever. In just weeks, these boxes will be unloaded in a little house in sunny California (where, incidentally, we will never turn the heat on in June.) And the official departure date is June 22nd, for all those interested.
:: Ryan: sigh. I miss him. A month is a long time.
So you’ve been posting this morning. I’m finally home and will need to catch up, before heading out of town again tomorrow. I’m so sorry to not be here until next week to really help both you and Brietta. But we will pull it all together in no time once we get started.
I will miss the little family across the way…
I’m guessing Ryan has found “a little house in sunny California”. How exciting! I wish we were coming out and could see you before you leave. But, alas, it is not to be. However, maybe N will have a stint in CA again someday. One never knows…
seeing a date of departure makes it seem too, too real.