a boy outing

Today Ryan took Jameson out for a few hours while I tackled my to-dos. Here are the updates that arrived periodically in my inbox:

Mom, dad’s taking me on a train ride!!!


I’m gonna miss dad. [on the carousel ALONE!]

[more fun…]


We just finished lunch. Dad let me drink some of his milk and eat some
of his bagel–yum! Gotta go, got a mouth full.


Hi mom,

We’re on our way home, I had so much fun and dad said I was a total
angel–despite the fact I’m SO tired and SO hungry. …dad’s bagel
isn’t cutting it!

See u soon mom!


4 Comments a boy outing

  1. Quinne

    Hi Danica :) Little Mr J is so beautiful! Those cheeks – just too kissable! I have been praying for you as you work and prepare for your trip. Love, Q

  2. Judy T.

    Boy outings with Daddy are the best-so I’m told by my boys!
    It looks as if Jameson had the time of his life.
    I can’t wait to give him a big hug.

  3. sarah o.

    I have been wondering since you posted this if “alone” means on the ride by himself or just not having someone hold on to him. I can’t imagine letting Kate ride without me next to her to grab her and she is two!


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