
A few things I’ve been enjoying lately:


Warm feet.


Yummy and challenging reading.




Fresh homemade whole wheat bread, Tuscan bean soup, and satsuma tangerines (eating local isn’t so hard when you live in California!)

…And, of course, Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate Mint Cookie Cheers (which are a seasonal item, and I grabbed on clearance for $0.99!!)


But best, best, best of all?

I’m enjoying that my dear friend has been doubly blessed. Wow. I am so, so happy about their little [but bigger that they thought!] family.

3 Comments enjoying.

  1. Katie

    That book sounds great! I’ve been recommended so many good books recently that I think today (after wanting to read your current book) I’m going to have to make a list… so I don’t forget any! I’m not getting a whole lot of reading in lately ;-) as much as I really would like to!!

  2. Amanda Wheeler

    I made that Tuscan White Bean Soup a few days ago. It was SO delicious. Thanks for passing the recipe along.

    My husband wouldn’t eat it, either. :)

    Your slippers are cute! I got some for Christmas from LL Beans (where else would you shop in Maine?). Not as cute as yours though!


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