:: in my possession: a hymnal found and bought at a used bookstore. I’ve been looking for one since we got married. It was one of those things that I just never thought about having to buy. I mean, doesn’t every family just have hymnals? And a piano? (Apparently not; apparently both items must be purchased.)
:: also: special delivery, the book that I absolutely loved reading before Jameson’s birth. It is the best labor preparation book. Really.
:: from where i’m sitting: I see clutter. Laundry baskets, dirty socks, open picture books, flip flops, pens, a bowl and spoon. Clutter.
:: right now i am: ignoring the clutter, as well as the other housework that I must attend to. “Don’t put off till tomorrow what can be done today,” is floating around in my mind, but I’m ignoring that, too. Right now I am resting. Tonight, when I’m alone for a bit, I’ll blitz. (And I know, that’s risky, assuming I’ll have any sort of blitzing energy at night.)
:: exciting: my parents are coming tomorrow!! For a week!! Both of them!! I am so excited. (Sort of makes the housework worth doing, too.)
:: that is: all.
Hi Danica :) I hope that your visit with your parents will be wonderful! Thanks for the book recommendation, I’ve never read that one (and delivery-day is coming closer for us;) Love, Q
Hey, Danica! So much fun to have your parents for a visit! Enjoy them a lot (as if you needed to be told to!) and give them my love. On another note, I was wondering how the fuzzie bunz did for you… any thoughts?
love you and hope you’re feeling more and more like yourself everyday!
Thanks for the book recommendation! I pray I have more pregnancies and deliveries in the future so I’ll have to give it a read :-)
Hey Danica – Don’t worry about all that house stuff, enjoy your parents. Then in two weeks you and I can be back in our “little boat of sadness” at the park with the boys. :) Have a great time!!!