
I’m reading Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth. It’s a loaner from my midwife. It was supposed to be my New York reading material, but there may not be much left to read by the time I get there. (Even if I’ve finished it, I’ll bring it along so you can look at it, Bri.)

The first half of the book is just birth story after birth story. I was excited to start reading them, knowing they’d be full of confident women giving birth courageously. They are certainly full of all that, along with some imagery and terms I find interesting (i.e. “rush” instead of “contraction”, to emphasize the energy instead of a sense of tension). But they are also full of… well, labor. There’s a reason I’m prepping for all of this. It’s, uh, BIG. (I won’t say daunting, because I don’t want to be daunted. [Although I may be, now and then.])

And since I’ve only had one birth with one midwife, reading all of these stories is helping me to get a feel for how other midwives coach and assist, and what I could ask for from my new midwife.

And I’m getting very excited about giving this homebirth thing a go.

The second half of the birth is Ina May on birthing. I’m eager to get to that part, to learn more about this miraculous process, and to read her tips and insights. I’ll return with a full book report when I’m through.

7 Comments reading

  1. Angela S.

    Is Ina May the lady who has that birthing farm or something?
    You’re so self-controlled to not call it daunting. Yesterday I think I called it my “impending doom.” HA! Five more weeks… Eeek!

  2. LisaC.

    I’ve heard a few ladies who have really enjoyed reading that book-
    though the two I’m thinking of didn’t even have a midwife, let alone homebirth. Still sounds like interesting reading, though!
    Maybe when you pick it up to read you could pray for me and my quest for a Doc. Still praying and searching…
    Not really wanting to drive hours and hours, either! :~)

  3. Melissa Lange

    I read Ina May’s book a couple months ago when I first learned I was pregnant. Caleb’s sister is studying to be a midwife and suggested it to me. I found it quite helpful. Especially reading all the birthing stories in the beggining. I think its great that you’re doing a home birth. I think down the road I may consider doing that too. Looking forward to seeing what jumped out at you in her book.

    PS. Thanks for the child supply advice! very helpful!

  4. Hannah Tallo

    That book is very interesting! She has is kind of in a world of her own! I don’t know if you knew but I went to midwifery school in TX and assisted a midwife for 2 1/2 years doing home births. I did not ever lincense but went through the whole process. I love home births and all that comes with that! Way to go for giving that a try! I am sure you will love it!

  5. Mary

    You’re going to have a homebirth? How cool! I’ve been wanting a homebirth, since before I was pregnant with Wes but Lucas was concerned, since I was in and out of the hospital so much, while pregnant with him. I’m praying that I can have a homebirth, whenever we’re pregnant with baby blessing #4.

    Keep me updated! I’d love to hear more about this! :)

  6. TulipGirl

    My sister was born at home, so growing up my assumption was that homebirth was normal. My first two were born in hospitals with homebirth-leaning midwives (insurance/$ reasons) and the second two were born at home.

    One of the things that helped me so much was when one of the “Titus 2” women in my life talked about how we use the word “labor”. . . Giving birth IS labor. It is hard work. Just like when we work hard with a lot of physical exertion (like working outside all day), it is exhausting and tiring. Our muscles ache and it’s really draining. Similar, is labor to give birth. It’s hard work. Our body aches. It isn’t easy. But our bodies are designed to give birth, and it is hard work that is doable.

    Now, we still do live with the consequences of the fall, and so sometimes things go awry physically. I thank the Lord for skillful midwives, appropriate medications, and technology that makes intervention in extreme situations available. We don’t have “guarantees” when it comes to pregnancy and birth. But we still do have the assurance that God has created us to birth and nurture our babies. . .

    Grace and peace,


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