William Sinclair Dunphey

30 Comments William Sinclair Dunphey

  1. lore

    I know! That’s the first thing I did–go back through the archives to compare because they look SO much alike! D’s my hero, she looks great. Happy birthday big guy, what a gift huh? Sorry about the Sox, too.

  2. Rebecca Willy

    He’s Jameson’s clone! We’re so excited for you all… and can’t wait to meet our newest nephew. Jameson looks so happy!
    :) Auntie Bec

  3. Alleluiabelle

    Oh my, oh my, oh my. They certainly are brothers. It’s amazing how much this little one looks like Jameson when he was born. Sweetness, such sweetness. Congratulations to you too Ryan! Love & Blessings, Nancy C.

  4. nana nene

    Please post his size and the name as soon as its known. I posted my thoughts about that on the flicker page. Ryan will have a hard time topping this birthday. And he told me you were home making him a cake. Ha. love

  5. sam

    I love the name, William was a favorite of ours when we were naming babies. For various reasons we couldn’t use it but I still like it. A lot.

  6. diane

    Wow, another whole person!!! Boy was I surprised on the sex, but I sure do love boys! What a chunk!!! And yea, now the fun begins! Brothers!!
    Lotsa love..diane

  7. Michelle Perez

    Ahhhh, D. You rock!!! Congrats to you and the whole fam. I can’t wait to hold him. ( I will wait to call the little man William until after your sure that’s what his name will be, and if my opinion counts for anything I like that name.)


  8. Deb

    Oh, congratulations! I, too, love the name. Will he be called William or Sinclair? (Does that “inside-out rule” only apply to the firstborn boy? I’m just curious. Either way, I think the name will sound scholarly.

    He is beautiful! As Lisa C. stated, now the fun begins … what will he be like? How different than his brother in personality? It will be wonderful to slowly discover his uniqueness, won’t it?

  9. Alleluiabelle

    I love that name. Ron’s cousin named their little girl Cady after the Cady name of course. I think the name is a strong name and I absolutely think it’s so cool. I just love you guys! I bet Nana is doing an excellent job helping you out. Blessings, Nancy C.

  10. Renee

    Great name. I can’t get over how much he looks like Jameson! You must have really thought you were having a girl, huh?

  11. Judy T.

    Love the name!
    Hugs and kisses from ours to yours!
    p.s. I so wish I could bring a meal to you guys. I guess you’ll just have to wait until December!!!

  12. Dottie

    Congrats to all of you and many blessings with this new little “blessing from the Lord!” Okay, okay. I’ll give it to you that you JUST had a baby but…..any NEW photos to post?!!:o) Come on, Ryan! We all know you’re on “cloud 9” but, just a few pictures of the little guy and, now, the big brother?? Just teasing! When you have “time.”


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