bye, mama

Thanks, Mama, for three weeks of diaper-washing love, breakfast-in-bed care, and all-day-together memories.

I’ll miss you!

12 Comments bye, mama

  1. nancy

    she will miss this special time, too!

    just for the record, D, your sisters did a great job keeping the household in tip-top shape for your mom. William is already showing making his mark in he world by making people rise up and do what needs to be done. : )

  2. nana nene

    Just remember to see the glass as 1/2 full you and your boys will be with your family in about 6 weeks. Love is always on the other side of the computer. beautiful memories you all had for this birth. Love. nana nene

  3. Katie

    I’ve been getting caught up reading of William’s birth. How beautiful and inspiring. I’m so happy for you, and congratulations to you both. What beautiful pictures of such a lovely family :-)

  4. Connie LaFaver

    Your a very blessed young woman Danica. Your mom is an amazing lady, but then you
    already know that, right! Of course, I think your a pretty amazing young lady too. :)
    Be blessed Ryan! Your a pretty good guy yourself….

  5. diane

    THAT is an awesome picture – poster child for motherhood, you 3!
    My palms were sweating as I read the birth post. You are tough, girl!
    Such divine magic fills the house with a new baby, tho, huh?
    Congrats and love! Diane


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