rainy day + monday = you guess

:: All I can think is that when I got out of bed this morning, I scooted off the end of the bed, rather than swinging my legs over the typical side. The “wrong” side of said bed would explain a lot about my mood today.

:: So would the purple bags under my eyes.

:: A little treat of chocolate chips in a pretty bowl bought in Seville is a welcome bit of cheer.

:: The smell of sauteeing onions and rising bread doesn’t hurt, either.

:: And John Mayer playing. I’m trying to catch up on years of not being very cool. Am I way behind? (That’s sort of a joke. The answer is: hopelessly.)

:: Remember this?

What a fantastic trip that was. I highly recommend Spain in March. (But stay away from Morocco. Those carpet salesmen are wheelers and dealers.)

:: ‘K. That was fun. Back to work.

3 Comments rainy day + monday = you guess

  1. darlenesinclair

    Wish we could do a Sinclair family vacation to Spain. We could definitely combine it with a great ministry trip! Let’s start planning now!

  2. nancy

    oh! oh! oh!

    the Mediterranean in the background, the Roman ruins, the perfect grilled bluefish & french fries on the terrace, the CASTLES,
    the olive groves, the tapas!! Ah, Southern Spain, you beckon me.

    I remember it all.
    Let’s go AGAIN.


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