my morning

:: 6:45, my not-morning-person husband wakes me with a tap and an excited whisper: a house will be ours, really ours, soon. (More on that later.)

:: I crawl out of bed, excited about the prospect of a few minutes without kiddos for the first morning in a long time. Call my mom. Be excited about seeing her soon.

:: Coffee into the maker. Granola and yogurt into the bowl. Button’s pushed, now wait.

:: It’s still dark. I light the candle on the kitchen table, check my email on my phone. Coffee’s ready.

:: The first sip warms my chilly insides. Winter mornings are winter mornings, whether you live in upstate NY or Northern California.

:: I sit at the table with breakfast, laptop, and ESV. Sip, skim blogs, baby cries.

:: William is happy to nurse, snooze, and cuddle while I enjoy my granola and Exodus. I’m working my way through the Bible, again. This time, I’m not promising it’ll be in a year. I’m hoping this open-ended plan will be less discouraging.

:: Flip to Galatians 5. Be glad I live by the Spirit.

:: Welcome another little buddy to the table. Time to turn on a light and start the morning, for real. Naturally, that will include the newest tunes from my favorite superstar.

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