Lots of things get squeezed out of the routine these days. But one thing I miss is writing here regularly. Sure, I have my journal, but the bits of thoughts and prayers that land in there don’t begin to capture the life I’m living with this little family. And so. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that for a month, I’m going to write on this blog every single day. Even if it’s just a picture.
Phew. Here we go.
William. William makes my heart smile these days. Last week, I walked into the family room one afternoon and found that he had built a little pillow fort with Beatrice inside, and he was just having a blast talking to her and “playing” with her. She obliged by laughing and kicking her feet and seeming to be excited about whatever it was her brother was doing.
A few nights ago, we had big treat: a movie in the family room, and an assortment of chocolate-dipped butter cookies. I told the boys three each. And then I watched while William’s fingers hovered above the tin, not moving until he saw which cookie Jameson took, and then quickly grabbing the exact same kind. All three cookies matched. That’s my little William these days — suddenly wanting to be just like Jameson.
Today we sat on the couch and cuddled with his new Easter book for quite awhile, and when it was done, his sweet voice asked, “Mama? Can woo tuddle wid me for a few minutes?” (Translation: Can you cuddle with me.) Uh, yeah!
His eyes sparkle and his smirk is just the best. He’s stubborn and opinionated and totally content and skips through the house and makes “rushing wind” sounds whenever he runs. He’s the best little William.
We got dressed up for Easter. All of the clothes were ironed days ahead of time, and hanging in the closet of excited boys. Jameson’s first impression of his madras shirt was that it was too pink, but I said, “Oh, no! See, William’s looks like water, and yours looks like fire!” And that settled it — the shirt was officially okay. Can you believe the stuff you pull out of thin air when you’re a mom?
I set my alarm for almost an hour earlier than they usually wake up — and yet, one minute into my shower, two little sets of feet ran into my bathroom. “Mom, we’re ready to find our Easter baskets!” I stalled them as long as possible before they ran to wake up Daddy, too. We got to chase down clues outside and enjoyed beautiful spring sunshine. Just the way Easter should be. And when they finally found their baskets, well, I’ve never seen candy shoveled into mouths quite so quickly. Clearly they had discussed a game plan: Just go for it, before Mom even has a chance to say something like, “Only two pieces, boys.” Ha!
Celebrating salvation with our little family is so amazing. I look at these little faces, and my heart just aches to think of the world they’ve been born into, to know the horrific sin and brokenness they’re going to face out there — and even in their own hearts. How wonderful to know that there is a Savior who has placed His love on them, who is seeking their hearts, and whose love is stronger than death itself. I can’t protect them from the truth of sin, but I can point to Jesus.
Tonight, as I was kissing the boys good night, William grabbed Beatrice’s hand and said, in his sweet voice, “Jesus wuvs woo, Beatwice! Jesus wuvs woo!”
Yes, William, He sure does. And that’s the best — the only — thing worth knowing. He loves you guys.
The boys, in real life:
I love that you’re going to be posting more.
Sometimes I think blogs from home are the only thing keeping me going.
Ha. Not really.
But sort of.
I love this.
I love you.
You all look great, the boys are getting so much bigger & princess is just lovely. Love the Madrass on all….xoxo
Loved this. Loved the little peek into your life. Pictures are great, thanks so much for sharing. What a treat, a post everyday for a month! <3
Oh seeing these pics makes me miss you guys. so much.
Then I will be checking in here everyday. What a wealth of inspiration I always get here!
Love to watch you “mommy”… You are a wonder!