It’s not just the old blog that’s been ignored. There are so many pictures that have just been living on my phone waiting to be sorted, labeled, saved.
Our fall has included some really and truly lovely days. One afternoon, we all spontaneously piled into the van and drove to Lake Placid. It rained when we got there, but the drive was breathtaking and the kids were awfully loveable.
Another afternoon, we got to visit a family down the road. Beatrice was treated like a princess.
We walked to our Literature Class at Mom’s house as many Thursdays as we could. Sometimes we just had to stop and snap a photo. Wow.
The highlight of the fall so far, however, was a family trip to New York. It was highly anticipated by all of us, but especially by William. He even drew pictures of the Statue of Liberty — and also talked about her non-stop. (Look carefully; there’s a book, a torch, and a crown!)
Their big eyes took in every single detail.
But this took the cake.
God sometimes outdoes Himself, if I do say so.