november 11

I’m falling behind on my daily posts. No time for one today, either, as the hours quickly disappeared:

— get dressed for church.
— get child dressed for church. Repeat twice.
— eat breakfast.
— tidy from last night’s gathering of 50ish people.
— get ecstatic when Jameson loses his first tooth!
— go to church, where I will see old friends who are in town visiting, enjoy a young boy’s drumming debut, share love with friends in meaningful conversation, worship a God who amazes me with His love, and listen to a sermon that fills me with faith and expectation.
— prepare dinner.
— share that dinner with our friends, who happen to live right across the street!
— watch the Patriots win.
— pack up three kids and go to my parents’ house, because my sister Louissa is in town!
— sit around the kitchen table with my parents and siblings, and talk and laugh and talk some more…for hours.
— eat cookies, too. Of course.
— come home late, brush the teeth of tired kiddos, and help Jameson tuck his tooth under his pillow.
— turn off the lights, fall into bed.

The End.

Dad, mid-sermon

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