
Every great once in awhile, we wake up to what feels like a truly blank-slate-of-a-day. It’s such a treat.

Today, we ate pancakes and bacon for breakfast. I quickly realized, as I watched my kids eat, that I can just skip the pancakes next time and simply serve fruit and bacon. A little puddle of maple syrup from the Moulton’s in which to dip the bacon, and they’re in heaven. In fact, I’m sure Beatrice wonders why I even waste time on pancake-related efforts.

I hummed “Tradition” as I cooked, and decided they would love listening to it. Of course, they then wanted to know all about it. Somehow that conversation led all the way to Corrie ten Boom, and an opportunity to share with them the reality of wickedness and sin, and the power of the Holy Spirit in such darkness.

We tore up carpet in my bedroom, in an effort to further prepare it for the installation of wood flooring. The boys worked cheerfully alongside me, and I was happy to be able to do something to help Ryan’s load in this current renovation. Jameson kept saying, “Isn’t this fun, Mom? Isn’t this going fast?” What a blessing that little guy is! He just loves to tackle a project.

The afternoon and evening were spent having a big family dinner, and then attending Camilla’s high school graduation. Eight out of nine of us — done. Crazy. And knowing that in eleven years Jameson will take his turn? Even crazier.

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

1 Comment today

  1. nana nene

    I have been meaning to ask for a picture of your hall, I hope Ry was able to get those last few pieces done. Glad to see you are able to get started on your room before baby day. I can just see Jameson being so happy to remove the rug. You may wake up some morning and find they have already cleared out their bedroom rug. It will only be a blink befoe they are laying the floors themselves.


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