new room for Beattie

Tonight, for the first time since August 17, 2011, I came into my room at 10:30pm and turned on more than a nightlight. For the first time, I didn’t bother to tip-toe. And I didn’t spend 5 minutes stumbling around by the light of my phone, trying to find the pajamas I just had in my hands. For the first time in almost two years, our room is not being shared with a baby girl.

Instead, fresh sheets were put on the bed in the Yellow Room. The antique quilt I nabbed at an auction was spread and admired by a little girl. Dresser drawers were filled with little clothes, and Most Special dolls and animals were given a place of honor at fluffed pillows.

For the first time, we have a little girl’s bedroom in our house (which will continue to double as a guest room as needed!)

Two excited brothers eagerly volunteered to do the bedtime reading and prayers. They kissed her forehead and tucked her in tight. She beamed.

Know what’s funny? Her favorite color is yellow. How thrilled do you think she was to look up and all around and see golden yellow wallpaper? Thrilled.

Our little baby. Growing up.


2 Comments new room for Beattie

  1. nana nene

    Oh hoe wonderful. This must mean your floors will be in for the birth. Send me a picture of the finished hall flooring. I know Beatrice must be so proud. Ryan and you must be happy too. One whole month just the two of you.

  2. darlenesinclair

    Ah, the many phases of growing older. is a precious and significant milestone – an emotionally melancholy hurdle for those tender hearts who ache with the passing of time, a leap of joy and pride for those who delight in the marvel of being entrusted with the privilege of seeing destinies and lives of purpose unfolding before their very eyes. And most likely a mix of both.

    Relish the moment. These are sacred gifts!


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