finding peace at home

It’s an interesting thing, to have the kingdom of heaven in your heart while you walk around on planet earth.

All day long, we are cultivating an inner awareness of who God is and learning to value what He values. We are listening, more and more closely, to His voice and growing more and more enamored with eternal things.

And all day long, we are walking on earth, relating to people, cleaning up the messes of entropy and pushing back the decay and dust of this mortal life.

We do both, and it’s not by accident. It’s on purpose, because His plan is to bring glimpses of eternity to this realm through us. We represent Him and His original, beautiful plan for humanity. We declare Him and His redemptive, glorious promise of a New Day.

And so the spiritual gets “skin” on it as we express it in our daily lives.

But sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in that “skin” and forget it’s supposed to be merely an expression that is anchored to a powerful inner transformation. Somehow this very simple thing, that I certainly knew, hit me over the head in a deep, liberating way last December. I remember sitting in my chair by the fire early on a Sunday morning, feeling the havoc in my soul of having tried to cram too much, push too hard, and now feeling a failure. I’m not sure it was audible, but clear as a bell spoke the Holy Spirit, challenging and correcting.

I wrote, “I am always working so hard to “make home” and this week feeling the crushing weight of failing (in my eyes.) Suddenly saw how I can fill my home with warmth and order and beauty by being those things. And that is possible always. Even on days when the house seems to be falling apart, there can be order and beauty, warmth and life. Jesus, make Your home in me.

It’s not that the temporal, earthly doesn’t matter. I don’t get to watch my world fall to chaos and just shrug and walk away. But all of those things I so desire to impart to “my” world, God wants to first impart to me.

And I’m not perfect at this, but I’m slowly learning to remember: when there’s a big chore list, or Monday calls for a radical return to routine, I can get a jump start by tuning my heart. Long before the afghans are draped just so and bathrooms smell fresh, my spirit can be welcoming and clean towards my children. They can catch a glimpse of what “home” looks like as the kingdom of heaven gets worked into me.

This is challenging news: it means that there is no excuse for a lack of warmth and peace in my home at a heart level. Sin and selfishness on my part is the only hindrance. But it is good news: it means neither my family or me has to wait for everything to be in smooth working order for us to experience the beauty and warmth our souls were made to crave.

We are workers at home, so let us work well: but let’s never forget, this is meant to be an expression of the living Word of God at work in our own hearts.

Jesus, make Your home in me.

6 Comments finding peace at home

  1. Lisa Swanson

    Thank you for your words! I am going to attempt your suggestions – I am going to attempt to address the chaos, havoc from the daily pressures. Instead of trying to make and do life I will attempt to fill my day with warmth order, beauty and peace Allowing Gods strength to carry me Thanks again!

  2. Nana nene

    A very dear lady expressed almost the same words. She perhaps read from a different bible, did not have the pleasure of giving birth, but mothered millions and made peace where there was chaos.
    Beautiful words Danica, and a beautiful “family”. May Jesus make his home in all of our hearts. Love you D.

  3. Melanie Kettner-Borough

    Danica hi I am Melanie from Spain. Iove this post wow how God has given you wisdom to avoid the proverbs 14 mistake. No regrets. Wow. My home is Kurt and I now small and sweet with my children living their lives. I know I struggled with this and did my best. It would have been helpful to have this sweet encouragement from time to time through the trauma of a child’s illness, a husband’s difficties to cope. And living in a foreign land. May you continue to have that grace and peace even in the storms and. Chaos. Love and blessings Mel. X


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