sunday thoughts

Church two weeks in a row, new baby in arms.


I’ve learned to not respond to unnecessary pressures (as much as I used to, anyway. Still a work in progress.) Somewhere along the way I somehow wrote a rule for myself (which I’m good at doing) that went something like this: You may miss two Sundays after a baby [and no more]. My husband is very good at seeing my rules as ridiculous and telling me to respond to the right things. And the Holy Spirit has really dug deep and rooted out a whole bunch of Type A, melancholy idealist/perfectionist, first born, goal oriented, works-based — whatever you want to call or label it — stuff in my heart and taught me about rest.

And so I went to bed on these last couple Saturday nights knowing that if the baby was awake and fussy in the morning, and getting myself showered and dressed and ready would mean a screaming baby, I just wouldn’t. No pressure. That made so much of a difference.

We don’t need more pressure. We serve one Master. Following Him doesn’t mean strawberries and cream and pedicures after a nap every day, and sometimes there’s a screaming baby involved — but what it does mean is learning which yoke He’s in and getting in step beside Him. That is a place of purpose and rest.

There’s my thought for today. And now, pictures from yesterday.


4 Comments sunday thoughts

  1. Meme

    Yup, she’s a dunphey with her own special look. More dark than others? Still no gingers, awww. Keep waiting! Stay rested, the real world is ahead…………

  2. Lisa Buchanan

    Don’t you just love how husbands can enlighten us. And in step with Him. I so enjoyed this Danica, and it looks like you have a nice pedicure!?

  3. Jen

    She is just gorgeous–as are all your children. I LOVE how she looks just like your older in the face but has that beautiful dark hair. She’s definitely a Dunphey with her own gorgeous look. Blessings on your sweet family!


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