Just some photos for my memory bank:
Amazingly sunny days with stunning blue skies and kids sledding down hills over and over.
Pleased as punch little girls who are learning to do hand sewing, follow step by step drawing instructions, and discovering deep cupboards full of fun things.
Colorful winter foods keeping our bellies full and bodies healthy. (My kids are learning to eat kale without looking like I served them monkey brains.)
Winter mornings, bejeweled and taking my breath away.
New boots and new dresses.
And snippets from this morning, when I suddenly stopped to be incredibly thankful for the life lived around me: making bread with a 3yo, two sisters working on math together, a boy practicing piano and a baby who is never far from the music, another boy working on math in his own little world, and loving the casual stance Fiona had. Sitting down is so twentieth century.