Before I could properly get my hands around it, summer was gone. Right from the start, it was flying away faster than ever, wildly dashing in a hundred directions, every day leaping from my grasp. And so I settled for making sure there was food and sunscreen and a smiling mama, and did my best to keep up.
And in the busyness, I realize how much life we lived. No, it wasn’t the life of other years, when days stretched long and kiddie pools kept everyone hemmed in and entertained, when young skinny boys didn’t notice mosquitos and forged their way into the woods for hours, when the house paused with the heat of every afternoon for a book and a nap. I had to look that twinge of sadness directly in the face and say Good bye, time for you to head up into the attic of my heart with so many other precious memories.
This summer, with the plates spinning, was the one God was serving up this year, and like my kids faced with the dinner I put on the table (which, generally, is perfectly good eating), I have to decide that I may as well learn to enjoy the flavor of the season because it’s “what’s for dinner,” so to speak. And turns out, the flavor of this new season is wonderful in its own way. It truly is.
Before hurdling along to a full school year, a quick recap:
Flowers at church and flowers at home.
Strawberries with my two big girls.
Visiting Richville many Sundays and getting to lead worship with my two boys on the team.
The first of two visits from my grandparents.
An anniversary get-away to Saratoga Springs.
Summer nights spent playing frisbee (the boys) and playing in the park (the girls and me.)
A wonderful 4th of July with friends.
Ice cream outings.
A trip to Watertown together.
Ten days at Higley Flow, full of swimming and boating and jet skiing and tubing.
Garden gift for a garden party.
A second lovely visit from my grandparents.
A couple of busy weeks culminating in a show and Jameson’s percussion debut.’
A Saturday overflowing with extended family visits.
Beatrice’s tenth birthday party — a wonderfully special evening with friends.
Fiona’s “friend party” and her long-desired Victoria Sandwich.
Two weeks in one of our favorite spots, Trout Lake — where we relaxed, swam every single day no matter the temp, read tons of books, kayaked, paddle boarded, s’mored, fished, celebrated Fiona’s real birthday, and enjoyed an almost non-stop flow of friends and family.
And suddenly, we were home and the page needed to be turned to September. Candles needed to join the morning ritual, books needed to be sorted and pencils sharpened, and we found ourselves diving into a brand new year of school. But that’s a post for another time.
Today’s is simply to look back on three months bursting with beauty, prayer, walking through highs and lows with friends, big events and thousands of moments — rich and wonderful and threaded through with flowers. Because aren’t flowers the best part of summer?