Today Jameson is 9 months old. (Well, yesterday, technically, since this post is going up a few minutes after midnight.)
To commemorate, we had a little photo shoot in the backyard — and then another one with Liz in the park! TONS of pictures!! And all of my favorite little subject.
I don’t have anything new to report on this momentous occasion. He’s just cute as ever, still getting bigger, and captivating to watch as he learns and develops.
And in just one week, we’ll be with his daddy. That’s pretty special.
Really fun, really cute. Makes me realize that I hope we can do a family Sergi’s and Potsdam walk before you head west, even though there will be many absentees. Still, it would be fun. And ice cream at the end, of course.
What great “baby blues!”
Also-I hope that you will be doing lots of posting of pix on this blog once you move out west!
We all enjoy them so!
oh wow. i just gushed and gushed about this adorable baby boy and my amazing sister and brother-in-law to the two other staff members in the office. he’s amazing — i can’t believe how quickly time has gone by and how old he is already! he’s the cutest thing ever.
Gonna miss you guys. That’s all. I just will.
what a fun photo shoot! r.jay even adores seeing pictures of Jameson up here… “what a cute kid!!!” :)
@Heather: I was starting to write, ” ‘r.jay’ will get you banned around here,” but then noticed you weren’t talking about Ryan Jameson.
i’ve heard the no abreviations rule for Ryan Jameson… my husband on the other hand had no choice since there were no other options for ‘Rushton’ that weren’t already used in the family! :)
I just wanted to say happy aniversary I am so happy you are all together again. Thanks for the
phone call. love nana/nene