I can’t believe that we’re plowing ahead, into September. I wonder if back home, there’s that autumn smell in the air in the early mornings. It’s certainly not that way here. No, I’m fighting off very high temperatures every day, doing the old quick-close-the-windows-NOW! routine.
So not much sense of a new season for me, I’m afraid. The swing into autumn is probably the season I miss the most. Soon (after I’ve finally finished rearranging and such) I’ll pull out some fall candles and make a pot of roasted butternut squash soup. And that will help me mark the time a bit better.
That, and the fact that there’s a baby coming, sooner than I realize. Wow.
I haven’t been posting much, I know. Between pregnancy and heat, it feels like my brain has been, uh, waveless? Something like that. Thinking hasn’t been the top priority, I guess you could say. I think it’s time for me to make myself post every day for one week straight, just to get the juices flowing again.
Hold me to it? K.
No autumn smells here quite yet. Tomorrow’s supposed to be almost 90* and MUGGY.
But the evenings and mornings are quite a bit cooler than summer evenings and mornings, and the school bus is going by every morning at 7:30am, and pumpkins and squash and mums are in abundance. So that kind of makes it feel like fall, which is nice, since we all have to be doing “fall-ish” things these days.
7 more weeks! I know from personal experience both how long and short that probably feels to you right about now. :)