The scent of a Yankee candle lingers in the air.
A small lamp illuminates the now-empty “baby’s” room. Projects are done for the night.
Ryan is on the couch, working. De-bugging. Laughing. Coughing.
Jameson is in his basket, soundly sleeping.
And I, I am noticing it all. Thinking how much I love, love, love this apartment. Thinking that this little home, with its cute eaves and sunny rooms, will hold the fondest of memories for us.
I’ll miss it.
Me to.
It will have some fondest memories. Those first ones are special. Strange to think that someday they will be so far away and faded. It’s true – they will be. And a host of pages in your life’s story will have been penned – memories collected from here and there. His faithfulness will be written on each and every one. Praise be to His glorious Name!
My thoughts.
I really can’t believe you’re leaving.
wow. you are making me cry.
when do you leave?
So are you moving to Chicago?
San Francisco? Isn’t there some place a bit tamer to go? I loved visiting there, but you’ve gotta be called to live there, hehe!
You will be deeply missed around here. I’m so glad for the Internet, so I can keep up with people who travel far away. I don’t know what I would do without it!
I’ll be out there on the weekend of August 11th for a wedding. See you then!
@Tim: Excellent!
i love your little place. but i’m sure i’ll love your next place as well. pretty much i’ll love any place with ryan, danica, and baby jameson.
When did this happen? You’re moving to CA? MAN! Too many people I know are moving to CA this summer! My two brothers and Grandma, and Aunts and Uncles live out there (S.Diego/LA areas). I have great friends moving to Montery in a month. *sigh* And some other friends are going somewhere… don’t know exactly where… to some big-wig college that’s hard to get into. Can’t remember the name. But anyway, they are AWESOME believers! They’re moving to CA in July.
Hey, I know what it’s like to live thousands of miles away from everything and everyone you know with a baby in arms to boot. I lived in Japan like that. I couldn’t even make friends with my neighbors because I didn’t speak Japanese. But it’s all good. Once you plug into a church the friendships start flowing. Especially if you’re very proactive about it… you know, inviting people over, or inviting yourself over to those homes that invite you casually: “We should get together sometime.” TAKE THEM UP ON THE OFFER, and OFTEN! I’ve relocated four times in my 6yrs of marriage. It’s easier to grow roots when you know you’re going to stay there for a while. Are you sticking around? Or is this a temporary thing?
@louissa: remember when i sent you a big long email? remember when you didn’t reply back? that was awesome.
@ryan: sorry. : (
Sorry, not a wedding as I thought, but an engagement/wedding/reception party thing. They eloped…the heathens
Nevertheless, now I’m very excited to go.
Watch out for the Eloi in California. That state is filled with them.