real quick:

The truck, laden with all of our earthly goods, arrived on Friday morning. At about the same time, we suddenly were not able to connect to the internet. I think perhaps the Lord was saying, “Get to work — and no blog reading, either!”

So, my apologies to those who are waiting for an email, and to anyone who wonders why on earth I haven’t written more.

I have taken pictures, although not enough. When time allows, those will be added to the flickr account, so you can all can see my new WIP abode. (work in progress.) It’s gotten worse before it gets better, that’s for sure. Having a hundred boxes around the house is bad; having the contents of a hundred boxes around the house is even worse. Slowly but surely, I am finding a place for everything.

And as I unpack, I realize this: I have a very, very well-appointed kitchen for such a young wife. I really should never need another dish or gadget ever again. “Need”, of course, is the operative word; I will continue, I’m sure, to want every pretty, funky, or unusual plate I see.

Jameson has broken into new territory. Time will not allow for all of the amazing details, so I will save the blow-by-blow for his 10-month birthday and simply say this: he has been known to pull himself to standing at the piano bench and then carefully — ever-so-carefully — turn to the keyboard, and then play his heart out (with a pleased-as-punch grin on his sweet face!)

He doesn’t, however, crawl.

Tonight we will eat dinner cooked in our own kitchen. Tomorrow three young moms and their children will come to my little town where we will all visit in the park down the block. And in one week, we’ll have our first overnight guests. These are the things that help me to feel like this is real life. For real.

Mr. Ambitious has just pulled himself up next to me, so before this sorry excuse for a post is lost forever (because little fingers do that, you know), I will end. Should the internet connection stay available, there will be more later. Soon. I promise!

6 Comments real quick:

  1. Andrea

    Hey sounds like life is moving along for you there! That is great to hear! I just found out that I am pregnant again. So it will be fun for Hayla to have someone new to play with. So keep posting as much as you can!


  2. louissa

    the pictures were lovely. your little boy is, as always, the cutest.

    i started looking at tickets and prices last night. they aren’t as bad as i thought they might be. goodness… i’ll have to start planning something.


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