my little buddy

Can I just say again how thankful I am for my little guy’s company? He’s such a delight.

Take this morning:

I laid him down for his nap, and then hurried to get through my chores, having promised myself that I could get out some autumn decor after the day’s cleaning was completed. I don’t have that many autumn things, so it didn’t take me to long to set out the few wreaths, dishes, and knick-knacks, and switch the candlesticks to seasonal colors. I have such fun celebrating seasons, and I stepped back pretty happy with how things looked — but wishing someone could enjoy it with me.

Enter Jameson.

He woke from his nap, and I could hear him playing and laughing in his crib. When I went into the bedroom to get him, I was greeted with an exuberant smile. (How wonderful!) We went back out to the living area, and he proceeded to notice every little thing I had changed while he was gone — his eyes went from the rust candlesticks to the berry wreaths to the flower arrangement and even the little flower picks I’d tucked here and there. He didn’t miss a thing! And his eyes just glowed the whole time, loving every new sight!

And maybe it seems silly, but that was all I needed. Someone else to think all of that orange was fun, too.

What a good little buddy.

3 Comments my little buddy

  1. darlenesinclair

    And may I add – this is too funny. There you are in sunny CA running (prematurely, I daresay) headlong into autumn and here we are in Northern NY denying the calendar, putting it off if possible for just a couple more weeks. This from me – the one who loves change and the change into autumn in particular. I’m just not quite ready this year…

  2. Judy T.

    Just wait until he sees the Christmas tree this year! You must take a picture of his reaction to that one-AND post it! :-)
    Love you lots,


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