the family in maine

Nana Dunphey: gives generous kisses, is always smiling, and calls us all, “Dear.” (…with no New England accent, either; she’s from good ol’ New York state!)

Bob: laughs at my jokes — when he gets them!

Mom J: is wonderfully well! She lets me know in countless ways how happy she is to have me, and happily slows life to accommodate a baby and his still-new-to-this mother. And she’s always good for a Starbucks run!

Sarah: is Carina, only with a different last name. Oh, and blonde hair. (Of course, Carina may be blonde right now, for all I know!) She’s warm, considerate, generous, and easy to love.

Bec: is a fabulous mother and is always good for a Q&A about parenting. Being around her reminds me of what a privilege it is to be a wife and mom.

Dad B: has twinkly eyes whenever he sees Jameson — or says something he finds amusing! He’s quiet, but his big hugs tell me he’s glad to see me.

Meme: is hospitable, creative, outgoing, and attentive to the little details that make life prettier. I visit her house with my eyes peeled for any little tidbit I might glean. And she loves grandbabies!

Kip: must have bad days, but I can’t picture him being anything other than smiling, obliging, and a fabulous dad. He works in Boston, but I got to see him once — on his birthday, after the Patriots won, so he was even more smiling than usual. Ry understands that phenomenon. :)

Camryn: likes me. And pretty much, that’s all you have to do when you’re under the age of 5 to win my affection. Chatty and expressive, good-natured and adorable… I can understand why Jameson is so enthralled!

These are the people here who I call family. These are the people I love.

3 Comments the family in maine

  1. carina

    Danica — thanks for that compliment – it was really sweet. And no, my hair is red right now. I have been working very hard on becoming the natural color. Although, I can’t guarantee that I won’t have some crazy blue highlights when you show up next week! :) Can’t wait!

  2. Deb

    What wonderful descriptions of your family! Not a single reference to appearance (like hair color or height), except for smiles, but those come from the inside anyway!

  3. nancy

    you are blessed, for sure.
    really really looking forward to seeing your handsome auburn hair in the front row on Sunday morning….
    and, of course, the pumpkin-spice head bouncing in your arms.


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