a guessing game.

It started three weeks ago, when I decided to kick the sugar habit (with the exception of my morning coffee). My stomach felt “off” all the time, and I thought, how pathetic. I’m so addicted to sugar that my body is freaking out.

Then came the-bad-mood-that-wouldn’t-leave. I understood maybe being a bit homesick (I know, I know… still), or getting a little tired and therefore more irritable, but we’re talking major regression. Like, the little things I thought I’d learned to just let go all wiggling their way under my skin, and not leaving.

And then the little question that pops in and out of my head on occasion, the “I wonder?…”, popped back in and wouldn’t leave.

Suddenly it all added up.

And it wasn’t sugar.

Can you guess??



Sometime last week, on one of the first really warm days, I pulled out the picnic quilt from the closet, spread it on our brick patio, and Jameson and I sat and had picnic lunch. It was so much fun, and I could tell he totally enjoyed the novelty of sitting on the ground, outside, eating.

Fast forward to today. We just got back from the grocery store, and I was busy putting groceries away. (This, of course, is a much different chore than it was two years ago. It now involves hunting for grocery items Jameson “put away”, and finding the cantaloupe in the middle of the yard, where he apparently rolled it.)

Anyway, I gave him a little dish with some snacks in it, and he happily disappeared to do whatever it is toddlers do. A few minutes later, I noticed him working hard to pull the folded picnic quilt off of the bench I’d laid it on last week. He made several more trips in and out of the house, “asking” me to come with him a few times (to which I responded, “Just a second!”), and then I heard him munching on chips through the window. I peeked out to check on him, and there he sat, on the quilt, with the bowl between his legs, having a picnic.


I love this little person named Jameson. I sure do.

[Oh, and as I was writing this, Jameson came inside, found Ryan’s car keys, came over to me with lips puckered up for a “goodbye” kiss, and headed out the door. Agh! So cute!]

march 3rd

:: It’s March 3rd, and momandus is live. Bookmark it, subscribe to it, do whatever you do to keep track of your favorite blogs, because I truly hope this will become one of them. Last night, as Ryan and I were trying to get it all ready to go, I looked at that long row of pictures — my mom and my beautiful sisters — and I couldn’t help but smile. What totally awesome girls, I thought. I can’t wait to hear what they all have to share about loving the Lord as disciples who are women. (Because our devotion to Christ should inform everything about our womanhood, you know.)

:: It’s March 3rd. Natives here on the Peninsula have confirmed my hunch that quite probably the winter has passed, and the warm, golden sunshine is probably here to stay. Daffodils wave their sunny faces all along the freeway, dotting rolling hills with spring’s yellow. Apple trees have burst into all of their lacy beauty (is there anything more breathtaking than an apple tree in bloom?) And the vine — oh, that out of control vine — that covers the awning over my kitchen window is covered with tight pink buds, a few of which have finally opened. And ohmygoodness, they are the most intoxicating flowers I’ve ever smelled. Now I know why that out-of-control vine is there.

:: It’s March 3rd, though, and I’m afraid I have lost all concept of time. No, I really mean it. It’s gotten to the point where I’m starting to feel very, very disoriented. I can’t believe how tied to seasonal patters my internal sense of time was. And now, with this sunshine-and-flowers weather, well, I’m confused.

:: I love spending time with my little family. It’s been a busy few weeks for Ryan, but we got to spend several hours together this weekend, walking in the sunshine, watching Jameson run and play. Those are special gifts, those hours. They’re my favorite thing.