back to getting back on track

I guess the North Country isn’t the only place where dramatic changes in temperature occur overnight, with little warning. Case in point: Yesterday afternoon we stepped out of the car into 90 degree sunshine. (Weren’t we all wearing sweatshirts and turning up the heat last week?) Today, the high is predicted to be a mere 65.

Variety is the spice of life, right?

Papa and Meme (my father-in-law and his wife) left this morning while Jameson and I were sound asleep. Their visit was brief, for sure, but it was nice to see their faces. Between us taking off across the country, and them spending 6 months at their vineyard in New Zealand every year, visits can be few and far between. Last time Papa Bruce saw Jameson, he was a baby squirming across the floor, wearing a sleep sack. This time, he was entertaining them with his fabulous soccer abilities (he’s just figured out how to kick the ball… sort of) and impressing them with his obedience when instructed to eat more broccoli. What a grown up boy.

Now, once again, the house is empty of all guests. With its relatively clean status, given the thorough job I did only 2 1/2 days ago, I think our Monday will consist of rest, sewing during a nap (I hope!), and a trip to the library. Dinner will be sandwiches.

Sounds perfect to me!

6 Comments back to getting back on track

  1. nancy

    re: “getting back on track”…..

    I was joking with your mom the other day about her favorite motto : )
    and I told her she should make her epitaph:

    “She’s Finally Back on Track”

    (–until the Judgment Day, of course!)

  2. Sarah

    D – any photos on the quick-trip of J and Papa B??? Or 3 generations of Dunphey “Men”?? =) I know you’ve hardly had time to sigh, but if you could post one, I’d love to see them together!!

  3. RB

    You wrote: “Today, the high is predicted to be a mere 65.”

    Gimmee a break! First, that is only a 25 degree drop. Second, everyone around here, except the maple sugarers, would kill for a high of 65.

    Girl, you must be totally Californianized to complain about a LOW of 65!


    “I once was lost but now am found,
    went from SoCal to NNY,
    and now I’m heaven bound.”

  4. Hannah Tallo

    Hi Danica,
    I have not met you but know some of your family…I married Jeremy Tallo. I so enjoy reading your blog! I am from TX and moved to Rochester once we got married and I so miss my family. It is encouraging to read your writings about your parents coming to visit you and stuff. Helps me remember when they days are hard and i really miss home that I am not the only one living away from my family! I LOVE it here in Rochester and feel very settled here and like this is home. Its just encouraging to read your thoughts. Hope to someday meet you!



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