Well, it hasn’t quite been daily posting around these parts, but I’m trying. Really, I am.
In fact, “blog” even made it into my goals for today. Trouble is, I had a playdate this morning, and I’m really bad at estimating how much I can get done on a day when I’ve got errands or outings planned. I can’t believe how a few hours at the playground can throw a serious wrench in the gears of my productivity. Apparently I accomplish much more in those pre-lunch hours than I realize.
At any rate, one item out of nine has been crossed off my list. When I hit publish on this post, it’ll be two.
(How do people go out often and get homemaker life accomplished? I just haven’t figured that out yet.)
There are 40 days left till my due date. 40 days!!
Usually I read that and process it as [however many] days till labor and delivery. But once in awhile, I’ll realize that very soon, another person will be born — into our family. Wow. How amazing. Our lives will totally change, because from that point on, our hearts will be forever joined and impacted by someone we’ve yet to meet. Amazing. Jameson’s personality and character will be shaped by his interaction with this new somebody. I’ll come to adore a set of eyes, a certain smile, nuances of temperament that are as yet totally unknown. And Ryan’s daddy-heart is going to explode again with the arrival of someone he’ll love with intense, always and forever love.
Did I already say that?
Boy or girl? What do you all think?
I think baby girl.
but I’m not the betting type!
Well, having a 50-50 chance of getting it right, I’ll predict ‘boy’ — they are such fun! (well, honestly enough, I haven’t had a girl to compare with, so my experience is limited, at least ’til Hannah is old enough to give me enough data for comparison)
Only 11 days ’til our ‘Frisco trip! I can’t wait to try out some of the places you’ve suggested!
um girl. don’t we all know that? this next one has to be Fiona Lee.
I guess it’s hard for me to think of you with a girl since I’m so used to you with a boy. (Though, truth be told, I also have a hard time with that since I’ve not heard any boy names and, therefore, have nothing to think of as far as another boy in your family goes.) In the end, I really have no hunch of any sort and my guess of boy is simply because I already *know* you with a little boy so it fits more easily in my mind. Silly, huh??? :)
Girl! Of course, since Stella’s birth I have a hard time imagining a baby boy. Either way, he/she will be a complete love…red hair and blazing blue eyes!
Those of you who guessed a girl are correct. (You will see!)
As for boys names, we really don’t need one, but I’m currently pushing for “Charles Madison” and Danica really likes “William” (which I think is nice too.)
Nevertheless…Fiona Lee she will be.
been a girl since day 1.
So, Ry, is this like you really know (did you pay the ultrasound tech or something? :) or is it another, “See, the book says, ‘To Fiona’, so it’s gotta be a girl”???
(Just giving you a hard time… you are probably right!)
I like William. It’s my one of my latest favorites.