more william

A few pictures… More coming when I can get Ryan’s assistance!

4 Comments more william

  1. brietta

    Thanks. :)

    I thought maybe his mouth was less “Ryan” than Jameson’s, but that one picture of him wrapped in the white blanket seems to indicate otherwise. So, so fun to have 2 special boys that look so clearly like brothers!

  2. Danica

    @Bri: Yeah, mom said the same thing about his mouth. I will say, though, that day by day he looks less like Jameson. (Which I assumed would happen, given how identical he first appeared!) I’ve got more recent pics, but Ryan reformatted my computer and I don’t have my photo editor. Soon I’ll get those up.

  3. Andrea Hawkins

    Danica….he is beautiful! Thanks for inviting me to come watch him be born. What an awesome experience. You did such a great job!


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