right now ::

:: It’s cold today. The gray skies of early morning never gave way to sunshine — a rarity here, even in November. It’s a tea and soup and afghans and candles sort of day. (Or, if you’re two, it’s a run around the playground for a couple of hours, heedless of your frozen and red hands.)

:: Two boys are napping simultaneously. That didn’t happen yesterday, and so I’m extra grateful for it today.

:: Thanksgiving is in two days. We’ll spend it with friends who have kindly invited us to their family gathering. It’ll be my first Thanksgiving ever away from all family. Strange. Makes me all the more grateful for friends.

:: That’s all. Off to turn on the teakettle, and hopefully sew a few seams before the quiet of simultaneous naps ends.

4 Comments right now ::

  1. Tim

    Have a great Thanksgiving!

    Watch out for turkeys that escape the farm, or oven. They can really do a number on your windshield.

  2. nana nene

    My first thanksgiving away from family too. Thats in over 60 years. I will be spending the day with Tasha and her family, she also has invited another Dr. who is on call and 1/2 of her family is away so it should be fun. Now that I am Emma’s godmother I really am part of their family too, Jack actually gets excited when he sees me and calls me nana nene.
    Have a great day you sure have many things to be thankful for as do the rest of us. love to all

  3. darlenesinclair

    I will sorely miss you here. Glad for good friends — may it be a Thanksgiving full of appreciation to God and memory making stuff!

    Tonight we head to the Hull’s for some Thanksgiving Eve singing around the piano and a bit of yummy dessert. I think many of us will make it. Should be a fun way to jump start the holiday season.

    Everyone here is excited about seeing you — can’t believe December 1st is just around the corner!

    Camilla is looking forward to “decking the halls” and Christmas music. The DR looks great but the rest of the house is still in shambles (fall out from my re-organization style. You remember — pile everything in another room or place, put back only what you want, then eliminate or re-locate the rest. Well, the stuff is put back, but the pile that remains is daunting. Looks like the garbage man will be busy this week!)

    The baking has begun (see Louissa’s post) and more, much more I hope, will transpire today. Have a good and productive and prosperous day!


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