A baby lays on the kitchen table, staring quietly out the window. I’m on my hands and knees, scrubbing the floor. My nano plays the songs I programmed, and I’m drawn to a moment of devotion, of hearing…
Priceless treasure, Jesus the Christ
The jewel of my searching demands my lifeSo I bow to You, and I kneel to You, You have my heart
Oh, marvelous Savior, You came down from heaven to us
Oh, beautiful treasure, You made us His daughters and sons
Oh, that we could reflect You, show You to the world that You love
Jesus the ChristYou are my gain in death or in life
My quest is to know You, my god, my delightJesus, whom have I in heaven, but You
And having You, I desire nothing on earth ( — charlie hall )
Those words arrest my heart. I’m impassioned again to live for this marvelous Savior. My soul cries out with this modern psalmist:
Oh, that we could reflect You, show You to the world that You love…
That’s all I want. To show Jesus to the world that He loves.
Here. Now. To this little bit of the world that He loves:
Oh, Lord, may they know Your love through me.