watching daffodils

Late last summer, on a sunny but cool day, my sisters helped me shuck, blanch, and freeze a huge bag of corn. And then I spent the rest of the afternoon digging holes and pressing bulbs deep into the earth.


One hundred of them, all varieties.

Some crocus, too.

Even after having spent all summer digging out old bushes and transplanting flowers and being amazed that vegetables actually were growing in my backyard, I think those few hours of planting bulbs was the most exciting gardening moment.

And now little green shoots are poking up through still-cold earth, more every day. I’m nervous and excited, all at the same time. Maybe, just maybe, those bulbs will do their magical thing. And maybe, just maybe, my brown and muddy yard will one day burst into the colors of spring.

3 Comments watching daffodils

  1. Daniel Farrow

    Oh, the beauty! This is why I love spring. I hope you post pictures of that day, Danica. I’m eager to see them and give glory to God for the manifold witness of creation to God’s love.

  2. Jen Trelease

    How exciting! Our Lord is one incredible designer. This earth is beautiful!
    Secretly hoping that I could convince you and your family to come to the BASIC Conference this weekend!?! =) It would be just like old times! Miss you all lots and hope to see you soon!


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