Big, round eyes. Long, delicate fingers. Almost bald, in Dunphey-baby terms.
Quick to smile the biggest of smiles. Quick to coo and babble in every adorable way.
Not perfectly easy, and certainly not hard: she cries when her world’s not right and quiets when you snuggle her close and pat her back.
Did I mention quick to smile? Those big blue eyes are always looking for someone’s smile.
So pretty. So sweet. And so big, so fast.
She looks more like William every day, and a lot like Beatrice! Love it all. Kisses from us in Vancouver…
She is precious Danica & Ryan…I can’t ( yes I can really) believe how fast she has changed….the time they start to smile is my absolute favorite age…and every minute after that. Enjoy your beautiful family! Wish I could meet those little girls soon! Love you guys!