three months

I couldn’t let the day close without noting that my brand new baby is, in fact, a quarter of a year old.

*huge sigh*

Sad, right? Except not really, because every day I squeeze her cheeks and think, Wow. I love her even more today!

This makes me laugh. She always look startled!

Post-wedding. Her shoes were killing her feet, I guess.

Big sister isn’t feeling so well, so a bit of morning Little Bear was in order.

Enamored with her hands. So am I.

Asleep. On to bigger and better things tomorrow.

Sweet dreams, sweet baby of mine.

1 Comment three months

  1. nana nene

    She/they are so sweet, Fiona looks so bright and aware. I LOVE your babies and the rest of your family. So much to be thankful for. Happy Thanksiving.


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