cheater posts: photo dump

Not many words, though plenty of them are swirling around this pollen-fogged head of mine. While four children lounge on a couch, watching Little Bear on an overcast summer morning, I will post photos.

Lots of growing. Babies make you stop and say, “Oh my!” Seven-year-old-boys who are almost eight don’t scream for attention in the same way. They slip quickly and steadily toward manhood and suddenly my heart is in my throat and I want to yell, “Stop!” They don’t stop. If they did, mothers would squander (we’re human beings, prone to a bit of lazy and selfish, after all.) They don’t stop, and so I must live purposefully. Give, sow, love. Every day.

babies discovering windows: top 5 favorite things to watch

my glamorous life, captured by william

slowly becoming the full, crazy patch of flowers I’ve been dreaming of

she hit the mother lode

simple pleasures

just mama and babe, on an evening errand

this boy knows when he’s tired

I promise, I do have beds for my children

playground + ice cream date outing with mama. sometimes you just gotta eat a huge ice cream cone for lunch and call it a day.

2 Comments cheater posts: photo dump

  1. Daniel Farrow

    Really Danica. I just LOVE all the pictures of your kids that you put on your blog. I feel like I’m a tiny part of your life and their lives. You’re richly blessed! Just remember, all the effort is SO worth it. God bless! :)


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