

She makes animal sounds all the time. The cutest is her elephant, as it’s accompanied by arm motions trying to be a trunk.

She says only a few distinct words. Other than Mama, Dada, and Papa, baby was her first. She loves babies.

She learned Pat-a-cake from an auntie today. I had no idea they’d been doing it, but recognized it immediately from her sing-song attempts and chubby hands clapping and “rolling”.

She was home with a sitter last night (an auntie–how blessed am I!), and when she woke this morning and saw me sleeping next to her, the exuberance and joy in her “Mama!” was just amazing.

I love this spunky little sweetheart!

Christmas thoughts

Our tree is so pretty. It was also so very much fun to decorate it this year, which makes its beauty all the more enjoyable. The kids pause on their way through the room to admire it from afar, or perhaps run over just to make sure their favorite ornament is still in that special spot. Our tree night was filled with dancing and laughing and Christmas music in the background — and free from frustration or dashed hopes or any of the other things that can so often accompany traditions.

tree night photos here.


Christmas isn’t about getting presents. We all want our kids to know it’s so much more than that. No one’s happy when suddenly their children turn into greedy monsters the day after Thanksgiving. But this year, I’ve been challenged by the idea that Christmas isn’t about giving, either. At least, not presents. I needed that little reminder from the Holy Spirit because I love this excuse to give gifts to my kids, my family, my friends—so much fun! But I can get uptight, too, about choosing the perfect gift. So maybe my kids need to lift their eyes from the getting, but I need to lift my eyes from the giving sometimes. I need to remember that Jesus is all that matters. (And if I’m going to get caught up in giving, give love.)


We are dancing loosely through these days of December. We fit in chores here and there, quickly pull out a page of math, surreptitiously fit in a reading lesson while doing Christmas crafts. But we also linger in PJs a little longer. Bake cookies. Visit friends.

Saturday, after being out late at the CFA Christmas concert, I declared a Christmas holiday. We ate rice pudding (a rare treat these days), wore our pajamas, and watched The Nutcracker from under afghans. Nana (my mom) came to join us. It was the slow family day you dream of. What a blessing.

boys getting ready to decorate the first rum logs of the season!


As I add greenery here and a candle there, and in general just go all out with making the house pretty and cozy, I am more aware than ever of my ability to quickly slip into Sounding Gong and Clanging Cymbal mode: warm, cozy home without a warm, cozy Mama. Good works without love behind them is always a rather ludicrous idea, but it becomes only more so when my efforts at “warmth” are so concerted. If I have cookies baked for the neighbors but have snapped at my husband, what have I gained? If every window is lit and the garlands carefully hung but I banished my kids in frustration, what have I gained? I remind myself of this as I plan each day and carefully weigh each moment’s decisions. Better to have a little less “cozy” and little more love, I’d say. A wise woman builds her home—and her home is people.

favorite Christmas decor from Germany


We have a surprise guest this Christmas. In case you didn’t get the message via FaceBook, here it is:

(Guess that last post will come in handy!)

november 30

Well, I sort of fizzled out with my post-a-day. I guess Thanksgiving that turns right into several days of babies being born, immediately followed by let’s-deck-the-halls will have that effect on regular posts.

But before I fall asleep tonight, before the whirlwind excitement of December with young children arrives, I just want to pause and notice this:


See, in mere months she’ll be further along on her big-girl way. In just a few years, she’ll have changed altogether. But right now, there are still traces of my sweetest baby girl. Like these bedtime moments, when she falls asleep nursing, when her little fist is curled and resting on my chest, when her soft cheeks are rosiest and kissable. I slip her into my bed, tuck her in, and she sleeps, happy to be near me.

I love you, little girl.

november 27

Before Thanksgiving and its busyness had been completely wrapped up and put away, we were launched into an exciting weekend of BABIES!

Saturday evening, one sister began labor, followed hours later by a second. (How many times does a family get to experience such excitement?!) Sunday afternoon, I was able to travel to sweet Louissa’s house to be with her during her labor. Adrian Richard was born at midnight, on the dot. What an absolutely amazing experience.

Louissa, savoring first moments with her little Adrian.

Monday morning, while tidying Louissa’s kitchen , buying a few groceries, chopping and cooking, I waited and waited for a word from Carina. Finally, a little after 5, a text came through: a girl!

William, meeting Margaret Kathleen

A boy, a girl, in one day. Bursting. Yes, that’s how I felt. Bursting with joy and thankfulness.

Saying good-bye to Adrian

november 24

Photos I’ve been loving:

Mom, sisters, brother, kiddos at the diner for lunch. Can I just say, these kids bless people everywhere they go?


My little girl and me. She is a doll.


Jameson and Beatrice playing in the field. She loves to play outside, and Jameson finds great joy in entertaining her…though it often ends in tears. ;-)
