
From the day I found out I was pregnant, I was deeply aware of God’s sovereignty in the creation of life. What I had been surprised by, He had been planning since before the foundations of the earth. Wow. And now that I’m holding this little man in my arms, I’m even more aware of the stewardship we’ve been given. Jameson is not ours, nor is his existance our doing; it is all God, and there is a plan. I marvel at all this, knowing that Jameson wasn’t born simply because God likes babies (although I think He does!), but that he was set apart “from his mother’s womb” and has already been ordained “a prophet to the nations.” Life is amazing, and that we should be its stewards…

I’ve been recalling life one year ago, realizing that while I was busy making lists for Christmas shopping, God was getting ready to start creating Ryan Jameson. How much more grand are His thoughts than ours!

My devotion, as of late, has been of the “whatever you do unto the least of these” variety. Cradle my baby — worship. Carefully select Ryan’s menus — worship. Speak more kindly — worship. Pray for my son — worship. Sweep the floor — worship. Light the candles — worship. Be a wife, a homemaker, a mother — worship.

These are my simple offerings, Lord. Draw my heart to Yours, somehow, as I offer it to You through these gestures.

Sitting and nursing the baby this afternoon, I became aware of the faint strains of a fife. Was it my imagination? No — the sounds of the American Revolution grew stronger, and soon, Julia and the rest of the family was coming through my door. I smiled. What a wonderful sound. And how much more wonderful to be so close to such precious people. I love them all.

At the end of August, we rushed to Maine, my belly ready to burst, because Ryan’s mom was in critical condition. An aneurysm had burst in her brain. Amazingly, she recovered, even through multiple complications. In mid-October we saw her again, and she was her cheery self, on her own, chafing to be allowed to drive and get back to her job. There were still questions as to whether or not another aneurysm existed in her brain, and if it would necessitate another operation. The news came yesterday: the aneurysm is not there. Amazing!! Ryan and I are so thankful and more convinced than ever that the Lord answers prayer.

Feeding the baby has left me time to peruse recipes, which I love to do. Sometimes I’m trying to find out how to eat better and more economically. Sometimes I’m just looking for yummy food! This seemed to satisfy both qualifications. I’d wanted to try it last year, but dismissed it as “too fussy.” This year, I finally realized that Ryan and I are only two people, and that while pureeing an entire pot of soup may have been overwhelming back when I cooked for the entire Sinclair clan, I could probably manage for the two of us. I played with the recipe a bit: I used olive oil instead of butter, and left out the cream, but it was still rich and flavorful. It’s my new favorite fall soup — the perfect texture and flavor for a gray afternoon. Try it! (I think it just may be the soup-of-the-week!)

I’m a morning person who married a night person. For over a year, I tried my best to stay up with Ryan, tried not to complain when he wanted to start the movie at around 9 or 10 (!!), and tried (really I did!) to enjoy sleeping in on Saturdays with him. But alas, I couldn’t break my morning-person habits. However, the new man in my life now has been staying up until 2am, and I, for the first time ever, am happy to sleep in till 9!

I feel so blessed. So many young women are on their own when it comes to biblical womanhood and mothering, but I am surrounded by my mother and so many others in my life who are quick to offer wisdom and encouragement, and most of all, their example. And I consider it an extra-special blessing to live down the road from my highly capable, Kingdom seeking sister during this new season of motherhood. My mom and my sister, all on one block? Too good to be true!

3 Comments update

  1. Liz Daniels

    The aneurysm is not there?!?!?! That’s amazing! Thank you, Jesus!

    “He never gave me a reason to ever doubt Him.” (Jason Upton – Faith).

    So cool.


  2. Danica

    @Liz: To clarify, the aneurysm I mentioned was not the original one, which burst in August but was remedied through an operation. This was a second, which they thought they saw last month, but which further tests couldn’t find. Was it ever there? Who knows! All that matters is that it’s not any more!

  3. Ryan

    @Danica/Liz: I think they were able to identify the peculiarity of the “second aneurysm” which was technically known as the so-called “third aneurism,” which now has we know is not an aneurysm at all. (I’d have to consult my sister’s email but that would make our heads spin all the more.)

    Bottom line, while still needing an operation to fix a second aneurysm, it is not in a (relatively) dangerous place (outside of her brain, in her neck area) and is almost considered a “standard procedure.” …in as much as brain surgeons ever do anything that’s a “standard procedure.”

    Absolute bottom line, it’s a very real miracle my mom is 100% the same person as before all this happened. Christmas is going to be a very special time this year.


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