the check-up.

So, today was a moment of truth. We knew our little man, who now wears 6-9 month clothes, was a bit big, but how big?

Today the nurse told us. At four months, Jameson is 18lbs. 8oz., and 28″ long.

I knew my arms were getting tired lately.

9 Comments the check-up.

  1. Angela

    as for your previous post, cute shoes. i also think that wrist toy is quite clever playing a few bars of classical music. precious pic of he and Ryan wrestling. it’s funny though…the spit up/drool thing. it always happens to the dads, hey? definitely funny. he’s definitely beautiful and oh so precious. thanks for sharing him with us.

    as for today’s ckup, wow! matthew can still wear 6-9 mo clothes, is finally i thik around 21 lbs and is about 30 inches long. he’s had some catching up to do. he’s 18 mos and i think he’ll be able to wear the 12 mo clothes soon on a somewhat regular basis.

  2. brietta

    So, out of curiosity, where does that put him on “the chart?” You know–the one where they decide whether or not your kid is “normal!” :)

    (While trying to convince myself that Jameson’s not really that big last night, I decided to check Gabriel’s baby book, since he was quite the size-able infant himself. Alas, he was 6.5 months before he reached 18lbs 14oz and was 27.5″ in height.)

    I think Jameson doesn’t want to long be left of the fry, if you ask me!!!!

  3. Danica


    Weight-wise, he’s in the top percentile. His length, though, put him waaayyy off the chart.

    And although she commented, “What a big head!” when she measured him, that’s only 75th percentile.

    Only. Listen to me!

  4. brietta

    Jack got his stats taken today at our WIC appt. He’s 22.5#s and 29″–just below 50th % combined. (His height is a little above and his weight is a little below.)

    Good thing we got the other car seat, that’s all I can say. I knew he was around 20# (at least!) at Thanksgiving!

    Pretty soon Jack and Jameson will be able to share clothing and Jameson will be in on the action. Yay for cousins close in age and size!

  5. Lori Ruehle

    Wow! Bethany had her 9 month checkup a couple weeks ago, and she is only 16 lbs, 8 oz and 27″ long…and her height was the 75th percentile for a 9 month old. It’s amazing how differently babies can develop.

  6. Sarah Klingensmith

    Wow! He definitely does not look that big from the pictures! He’s long passed Ally although her head is in the 75%. (She gets that from her daddy!) Other than the normal reasons one wants their child to grow, I bought Ally a first birthday outfit in 12-18 months and am really hoping she’ll be able to wear it!! I know, silly.

    Enjoy your winter! We finally had a few days hovering around freezing point…finally!

  7. Kathy

    Sounds like some of the Moulton babies. I always wondered what it would be like to actually use and carry mine in an infant car seat for more than 3 months. Too small for a big car seat–too big for an infant car seat–too heavy to carry around in a store since they don’t hold themselves up.

    Then there is the outgrowing of clothes and shoes at record speed. That is so disappointing!

  8. Judy T.

    Even though you must endure numb arms all the time, I still think chubby babies are the cutiest! And I agree with Kathy; the carseat dilemma is a bummer. Trust me, I know :-)!!!

  9. Mary

    Wow! He’s growing fast! I never would have guessed that he was that big from the pics. My girls were short of 16 pounds, when they were weighed at 7 months and almost 24″ long.

    Westley is 2 now (25 1/2 months, to be precise) and he weighs 28 pounds and is a hair over 3 feet. I always found it fascinating how much each baby can vary from the next.

    BTW-I miss you and haven’t seen you in far too long. I hope we can get together sometime in the near future!


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