
The silence here has, sadly, been due to a yucky stomach bug followed immediately by a terrible cold. Not the sorts of things I’d anticipated busying myself with, but oh well.

We’ve started to perk up a bit this week, and done exciting things like follow Papa around on his day off.

And a few other things, too.


  1. Keila

    So glad to hear you’re feeling better! Looks like you had quite the long run. It is amazing how Jameson is changing in every picture… he keeps looking more and more like a little boy and less like a toddler!!! He is just too cute!

    When you think of it and get a minute, maybe you can tell me what you thought of the Ina May’s book… just curious… love you!!!

  2. danica

    @Keila: Would you believe that I still haven’t finished that book? I purposely made myself stop reading, so as to have a bit left for my stint here in NY, but book time has been slim around these parts. :)

    I just read your post, though, and thought I’d at least share my impression regarding the first part of the book (birthing stories). Given Ina May’s hippie nature, I thought it would be a hundred stories of birth ecstasy. I was surprised to read accounts of 3-day labors, shoulder dystocia, giving in and then overcoming fear, etc. REAL people. Through it all, though, was the impression that birth is amazing and powerful and a wonderful experience. Ina May (and most of the midwifery things I’ve read) doesn’t discount the pain of childbirth, but encourages her clients to recognize that it’s not a pain to shirk from, but a pain to understand and work with — it’s productive. Some women experience less pain, others more, and some admit to being overwhelmed by it — but the general idea in the book is that when they were encouraged to think positively about what was happening in their bodies, they were able to work with every contraction and deliver a baby! (The whole point, right? :))

    I’m now in the part about birth itself, and her [Ina May’s] thoughts on it. So far, the thing that’s jumped out the most to me is her “testimonies” about how speaking positively to a woman who was stalling out or fearful totally changed the momentum of labor. The way we think is so very connected to the rest of us as a person.

    All in all, I’ve really enjoyed the message of the book: our bodies were made to have babies; our bodies are not the enemy, and neither are contractions. :)

    And like I said, there are all sorts of examples and stories, indicating that there is no pressure to be the woman with the painless birth. (This is the exception to the rule, Ina May would say.) I like that, too.

  3. Keila

    Thanks! I also have ordered The Birth Book (Sears) from the library… more than anything I am intrigued about the whole thing and how different it can be for each and everyone! I’ll post my thoughts for fun! Love you!


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