I’m putting the rest of my spring cleaning on pause. Bathroom and bedrooms are what’s left for me, and I know I can muscle through them on my own (they’re not so big and bad.) I just knew I couldn’t manage two weeks of hardcore agenda and two little babes who need their mama — in so many ways.
(By the way, those few days of cleaning made such a difference. Just in my head (and soul) they made a difference. Isn’t it nice to walk into the kitchen and not be absolutely overwhelmed by the undone tasks? But I guess it wasn’t just in my head; Ryan let me know that he couldn’t believe what a difference it all made. Sunlight + sparkling clean = beautiful. Love it.)
So yesterday, I cleaned the bathroom (which always makes me feel like the whole house is sparkling), and then spent most of the day playing “baseball” (wherein Jameson pretends he’s Kevin Youkilis, hits the ball on the ground as though it’s a game of golf, flings his bat and runs to a point he’s apparently determined should be 1st base, and then slides across the bricks), doing errands, and walking to see Daddy at work.
As much as I love projects and tasks, I was glad to feel like I made the right decision. Maybe I’ll have another gung-ho week soon — or maybe just a few gung-ho days here and there. The main purpose of all that effort was to help me feel like I could start a regular housekeeping routine and not be starting way behind.
Meanwhile, I’ve gotten excited again about my yard and gardens. After planting several things and having them die my first summer, I was feeling pretty discouraged and inept. But a new spring season, another year of studying neighboring gardens under my belt, and some advice from Andrea, and I’m back in the game.
Jameson has loved helping me dig and water and plant seeds. We’ve got herbs in pots, and flowers in the beds — mostly. A few little plants made their way into our backyard, but mostly seeds. Cheaper, and hey. I live in Northern California. If it doesn’t work here, it doesn’t work anywhere, right?
At first, I had all this hankering for a veggie patch. Then reality: I don’t have space in the current gardens, you can’t just go turning sod around here (sod that cost the landlord an arm and a leg, since grass doesn’t just grow), and I don’t have a clue how to grow vegetables.
So we have herbs, and…
I’m finally joining a CSA! Yay!
I’m so excited and can’t wait to go pick up my first box of goodies. I know that it’s much more expensive than having your own garden, but see above: it wasn’t an option. And it’s not much more expensive than shopping at the grocery store (and it’s cheaper than the Farmer’s Market.) I have visions of eating sauteed veggies on brown rice or qinuoa all summer long. Yum.
Because, oh, by the way, I have got to get serious about the last lingering effects of pregnancy, if you know what I mean. White flour and sugar have got to go. I figure if I’m going to be inhaling food all day (thank you very much, my 25 pound baby), I can at least eat calories that will count.
Wish me luck on that. I can’t fathom life without fresh muffins, rice pudding, brownies, and Italian bread.

Oh, right, you’re wondering about the gash on his face. Well, remember that baseball bat? …Yeah. Not such a lovely moment.