adding “get to” to your day

I’m a fairly self-disciplined person, they say. I’m not sure I’d label it that, since that sounds like such a positive quality (and another part of my personality is being not altogether, umm, “up” on myself), but I do tend to work hard and not indulge in too many fun things until the work is done. Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do?

Well, you don’t have to be a homemaker very long to realize that the work is never done. This means that either a.) I never allow myself to do “fun” stuff or b.) I put that self-discipline to good work, making myself stop working at some point and just go for it. Do something fun.

What got me thinking about all this was this post about adding some “get to” to your day.

It occurred to me as I read that I’m wired to love certain things. And it’s on purpose! I could tend to feel like all of the unique talents and qualities that make me me are buried under a mountain of mundane mothering, but that’s not what God intends. He wants my loves and passions and strengths to flavor my mothering. In fact, Jameson and William were given into my stewardship because, for reasons unknown to me, their growth and development will happen best in my home — a home flavored by my personality.

Make sense?

So, God doesn’t want me to bury my talents.

That said, finding ways to add “get to” to my day needs to be creative in this season of my life — and it needs to happen within the context of serving my family.

That means that deciding to block off an hour and half every day to pull out my favorite Bach Toccata, Beethoven Sonata, and Chopin Ballade is probably not exactly right for this season. If I saw that as the only way for my talents to be expressed, I would be one frustrated woman! Instead, recognizing how God’s wired me, and my need for “fun” moments in my day means sitting Jameson next to me on the piano bench and playing some hymns “together.” Boom-chucking “God’s Not Dead!” while he dances and practices all of the hand motions. And maybe — just maybe— putting William on the floor at my feet and getting through just the exposition. (Ah! Bliss!!)

It also means that when I get a crafty itch, I wait for a rainy afternoon when we’re trying to find creative things to do, and sew up some bean bags with Jameson. How much fun he had sorting out the dried beans in muffin tins, and filling up the little bags (and dumping them, and filling them, and dumping them…) And in the meantime, I got to cut out pretty squares from my scraps and had the satisfaction of having made something!

Here’s something else I did recently to add some “get to” to my day. While Jameson and William napped, I made placemats for dinnertime. Jameson is learning to set the table, and (thanks to an idea Brietta had) I thought I’d make something to help him learn. Poster board, contact paper, and sharpies… and Voila! My family is served, Jameson is thrilled, and my gotta-make-something urge is indulged!

So I’m learning — learning to ask God how He wants me — Danica — to be a wife and mother in this home. And I’m taking this advice and finding myself more refreshed along the way.

(My floors are no cleaner, but Ryan seems to appreciate a smiling wife more than spotless floors, anyway. Go figure.)


Tonight we were out to eat, just Ry, William, and me. In the middle of a busy, colorful new restaurant, William sat on Ryan’s lap and just stared at me as I ate. With the hint of a smile on his lips. And absolute love in his eyes.

My little baby loves me.

The other best part of the night?

When Ryan said, on our way home, “You’re my best friend.”

I’m so blessed. Thanks, God.


A baby lays on the kitchen table, staring quietly out the window. I’m on my hands and knees, scrubbing the floor. My nano plays the songs I programmed, and I’m drawn to a moment of devotion, of hearing…

Priceless treasure, Jesus the Christ
The jewel of my searching demands my life

So I bow to You, and I kneel to You, You have my heart

Oh, marvelous Savior, You came down from heaven to us
Oh, beautiful treasure, You made us His daughters and sons
Oh, that we could reflect You, show You to the world that You love
Jesus the Christ

You are my gain in death or in life
My quest is to know You, my god, my delight

Jesus, whom have I in heaven, but You
And having You, I desire nothing on earth ( — charlie hall )

Those words arrest my heart. I’m impassioned again to live for this marvelous Savior. My soul cries out with this modern psalmist:

Oh, that we could reflect You, show You to the world that You love…

That’s all I want. To show Jesus to the world that He loves.

Here. Now. To this little bit of the world that He loves:

Oh, Lord, may they know Your love through me.

moments to love

:: Jameson

I’m sitting on the couch, nursing William. Jameson’s disappeared from sight, and then I hear the crash of dishes in the kitchen. Oh dear. “Jameson, please come in here with me, okay?” He skips into the living room, big smile on his face, saying, “Mmm, Mama!” Sure, bud.

An hour later, after everyone’s down for naps, I go out to the kitchen to tidy up and spot my small saucepan on the floor. And what in the world is in it?… Then I spot the [opened] envelope of carrot seeds. Jameson had spied the colorful veggies pictured on the front and figured — hey, why not cook this up for dinner? That was his “Mmm!”

That boy.

Love ‘im.

:: William

The cries of a waking baby crackle over the monitor, and I leave the breakfast table to retrieve my little love. I find him, squishy and warm, burrowing his way out from under my down comforter. His pilot cap is hooked behind one ear. And I’m not sure why, but there’s something irresistibly adorable to me about a baby with one ear popping out of his cap.

Must. kiss. him.

:: Ryan

Saturday afternoon, and then Sunday, too, found Ryan on his knees, trying his best to get a childhood train set up and running for Jameson’s enjoyment. It took two days, but he finally got everything greased and oiled and firing. The rest of us watched with anticipation — and it was one of those, “Hey, this feels like a real family!” moments.

Maybe we just are [a real family.]

Most assuredly, Ryan is a real daddy.

He’s our hero.

loving ::

:: Tuna Curry

Ours was served on brown rice rather than millet. Just the same: yum. Simple, too. (And mine included 2x as much garlic, because that’s just the way I roll these days, and the generous amount of curry that Bri recommends, sauteed with the garlic and onion to boost the flavor.)

:: Gyo Fujikawa

Jameson got A Child’s Garden of Verses for Christmas, and I just love the illustrations. There are certain books that instantly bring me back to the wonder of childhood, when I would pore over the details of each picture, wanting so badly to be in the page. Fujikawa does it for me.

:: II Corinthians 9:8

“And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed.”

I know that’s about money, specifically, but a few days ago I read it on a morning when I was feeling pretty much on empty — but with a husband and children who need me to sow. He reminded me: He’s the God of never-ending oil, right?

I have no seed worth sowing without His grace, anyway.

jameson update

Life with Jameson

Life with Jameson has had its fair share of challenges, as he exerts a bit more opinion, a bit more will, a bit more Adamic nature. (Ah, yes. Sorry, kid. No fun.)

But it’s also been sweeter than ever. He’s a joy…

  • When he runs, his feet barely touch the ground. It’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.
  • When we cross the street, he waves the orange flag madly and waves to all the cars. He thinks it’s a parade, and that he’s the star. You are, son, to me.
  • When he watches Peter Pan, his eyes are huge, his face beaming.
  • When he goes to bed, he runs to me with his lips puckered for a kiss. He never forgets.
  • When we sit down for dinner, he’ll say, “Mmmm, thanks, Mom!”
  • When I cook, he “helps.” And it all takes forever, but it’s so much more fun.
  • When I’m overwhelmed by something and need to pray, he’ll hold my hand and pray with me. Always.

I love him. To pieces.

…And in Pictures

This is him watching the men mowing our lawn, which he loves. He’s so focused!

And this is him posing with a birthday gift we made this week for a little girl. He loves to say, “Cheese!”, but I’m wondering how many years it will be before I’ll be able to capture a real smile on film again.

smile option #1:

smile option #2: